50 research outputs found

    Utilization of Acoustic Wave Velocity for Permeability Estimation in Static Reservoir Modeling: A Field Case

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    Several researches have shown that P-wave velocity carries information on the complexity of the rock's pore geometry and pore structure. Their complexity can be characterized by critical porosity. Therefore, the P-wave velocity is used to estimate permeability. This research uses data taken from the Tomori formation from Banggai-Sula basin, Central Sulawesi, which is a carbonate rock reservoir. Also, this research aims to obtain a 3D permeability model by using acoustic wave velocity cube data. The results show that permeability can be modeled well using acoustic wave velocity data. Furthermore, compared to the raw data log of permeability, the modeling results using wave velocity based on critical porosity show good results. This method is another alternative to permeability modeling if acoustic wave velocity cube data is availabl

    A Simple Method for P-waves Velocity Estimation Using Pore Attributes Shape Factor and Tortuosity

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    Several researchers have arranged an approach to estimating the P-wave velocity, but none of them specifically relates to the pore attribute. Pore attributes are one of the main factors that affect pore complexity and rock quality. If P-wave velocity is influenced by the pore complexity, then it should be possible to arrange a simple relationship of P-wave velocity with the pore attribute. This study is intended to construct an empirical relationship of P-wave velocity with a combination of pore attributes, shape factor, and tortuosity (Fsτ) so that the P-wave velocity can be easily estimated. This study used two sandstone datasets from 2 different basins, which are the northern part of the West Java basin and the Kutai basin. This research shows that a simple empirical equation can be arranged to relate the P-wave velocity with Fsτ. This relationship provides a good correlation coefficient. It offers an easy and straightforward approach to estimating P-wav

    Strategi Peningkatan Keseimbangan Kehidupan Kerja Untuk Kesejahteraan Karyawan UMKM CV Jati Furniture Kemirahan Malang

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    The purpose of this study is to provide an overview for SMEs about the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that companies have in determining strategies and their implementation related to the Work-Life Balance Strategy at CV Jati Kemirahan Malang which is used as a policy basis in making decisions to increase employee welfare according to the strategy The selected. With a case study research design, researchers conducted research on CV Jati Kemirahan Malang. This research uses primary and secondary data, namely questionnaires and performance reports. Using SWOT analysis to determine strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to determine the right strategy. From the results of the SWOT analysis, namely expansion, CV Jati Kemirahan Malang must innovate and develop to be able to maintain and improve employee welfare. To support the strategy that has been set, CV Jati Kemirahan Malang needs help from the government and employees' families. &nbsp

    Behavior Changes in Paulo Coelho Veronika Decides to Die: A Psychological Approach

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    The purpose of this study is to analyze the personality of the main character presented in the novel. In addition, the aim of this research is to reveal the main character’s environments contribute to the character’s motivation to life. This novel conducted the struggle from Veronika as the main character for finding her motivation to life. This study used descriptive qualitative methods to analyze the data. This study used three main concepts of social cognitive theory by Albert Bandura (1986), they are reciprocal determinism, therapy, and dysfunction behavior/depression. This study also applied the theory of social cognitive theory in the book entitled The Theory of Personality by Jess Feist as a tool to analyze the personality of the main character also the main character’s environments contributing to the character’s motivation to life in the novel. The results are first, this study indicated personality of Veronika as the main character in the novel based on the social cognitive theory concept that is dysfunction behavior. It shows that Veronika is an introvert person, fainthearted, and suffering from depression. Second, this study discovered the main character’s environments contribute to the character’s motivation to life based on the social cognitive concepts, they are reciprocal determinism and therapy. Based on that theoretical concept, it shows that Veronika’s environment really helps her to find her motivation to life. They are Mari, Zedka, and Edward

    Studi Simulasi Reservoir pada Reservoir Strong Water Drive untuk Meningkatkan Oil Recovery

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    Lapangan “DMH” memiliki tenaga dorong utama yang berasal dari lapisan akuifer besar sehingga lapangan ini tergolong sebagai strong water drive reservoir. Jumlah kumulatif produksi minyak lapangan DMH sejak tahun 1998 sebesar 2.796 MMSTB atau sekitar 43,5% dari oil in place. Maksud dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah melakukan pemodelan dinamik reservoir X lapangan DMH adapun tujuannya adalah mendapatkan skenario pengembangan lapangan yang paling memungkinkan diterapkan untuk memperoleh incremental recovery yang paling optimum. Pemodelan reservoir dinamik dilakukan menggunakan simulator dengan menggunakan metode Fully Implicite. Penelitian ini dimulai dengan mempersiapkan beberapa data yang dibutuh-kan untuk diinput ke dalam simulator, yaitu data PVT, data core, data tekanan, dan data histori produksi. Kondisi kesetimbangan awal dibangun dengan menginput pressure pada datum tertentu dan distribusi saturasi air di bangun menggunakan tekanan kapiler dan relative permeability. Setelah seluruhnya diper-siapkan dan diinputkan ke dalam simulator, selanjutnya dilakukan inisialisasi untuk mendapatkan OOIP dengan kontrol OOIP volumetrik. Selanjutnya history matching dilakukan untuk menyelaraskan produksi hasil simulasi dan histori data produksi untuk sumur dan lapangan. Adapun konstrain yang digunakan untuk his-tory matching adalah produksi liquid. Setelah dilakukan inisialisasi dan history matching, kemudian dipersiapkan beberapa skenario injeksi air dengan pola injeksi dan sensitivitas laju injeksi yang bervariasi. Parameter sensitivitas yang digunakan pada penyusunan skenario ialah pola injeksi dan laju injeksi air. Pola injeksi dibagi menjadi enam pola dengan memanfaatkan sumur eksisting lapangan, sementara laju injeksi air bervariasi antara 150 – 3500 bwpd. ada pola injeksi A, skenario injeksi paling optimal dengan nilai RF dan rasio INC/WI tertinggi ialah skenario injeksi A4 dengan RF sebesar 49,5% dan nilai INC/WI sebesar 0,002198. Pada pola injeksi B, skenario yang paling optimal ada-lah skenario B3 dengan RF sebesar 50,152% dan rasio INC/WI sebesar 0,0036. Pada pola injeksi C, skenario injeksi yang paling optimal adalah skenario C1 dengan RF sebesar 49,288% dan rasio INC/WI sebesar 0,0076. Pada pola injeksi D, skenario injeksi yang paling optimal adalah skenario C1 dengan RF sebesar 49,79% dan rasio INC/WI sebesar 0,00233. Pada pola injeksi E, skenario injeksi yang paling optimal adalah skenario E dengan RF sebesar 49,16% dan rasio INC/WI sebesar 0,0078. Pada pola injeksi F, skenario injeksi yang paling optimal adalah skenario F2 dengan RF sebesar 48,95% dan rasio INC/WI sebesar 0,00349. Skenario injeksi terbaik dengan efisiensi penginjeksian tertinggi terdapat pada skenario injeksi E1 dengan pola injeksi E dan sensitivitas laju injeksi 150 bwpd.

    Perancangan Antarmuka Sistem Pelaporan Kerusakan Gedung Menggunakan Metode Human Centered Design (HCD) Berbasis Mobile dengan Teknologi Hybrid (Studi Kasus: Kampus Notohamidjojo FTI-UKSW)

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    The information system has become a media that has been implemented in the current era in various fields. One of them is the building damage system where the system is intended to facilitate the passing of damage information and efficiencies when making documentation of damage that has occurred. This problem is raised in this design with a case study on a campus that is the Notohamidjojo campus of Satya Wacana Christian University Faculty of Information Technology. With the development of advanced technology and many platforms that can be made to do system damage management. This design is focused on creating a user-friendly system interface design. The design is implemented to implement the method of Human Centered Design (HCD) because using this method can produce interfaces that suit the needs of the system users. This design also uses the technology of Hybrid which by using the technology this system can run on Android and iOS. The testing of the interface is done using the End User Computing Satisfaction (EUCS) method by getting more than 90.0 results indicating that the design of the damage reporting system using HCD and EUCS methods is valid and able to making a design interface system reporting malfunction


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    Universitas Brawijaya adalah salah satu perguruan tinggi negeri yang menyelenggarakan pendidikan inklusif pada program pendidikannya. Wujud lingkungan pendidikan inklusif diberikan dengan cara melakukan pelayanan pendampingan oleh Pusat Studi dan Layanan Disabilitas Brawijaya bagi mahasiswa difabel. Pendampingan mahasiswa difabel membantu mahasiswa untuk dapat berani menjadi wirausaha mandiri agar dapat memiliki modal manusia yang cukup setelah lulus perguruan tinggi. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Metode penelitian adalah kualitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif. Berdasarkan penelitian diperoleh hasil sebagai berikut. (1) Pelaksanaan pendampingan mahasiswa difabel untuk berwirausaha cocok dengan berbagai jenis hambatan, serta karakteristik dan kebutuhan belajar mahasiswa difabel. (2) Layanan pendampingan sedang berupaya agar bisa mengatasi kelekatan mahasiswa difabel untuk memulai usaha terhadap pendamping

    Desain Self-Propelled Coal Barge (Spcb) Dengan Self-Loading/Unloading Equipment Untuk Jalur Pelayaran Sangata (Kalimantan Timur) – Tidore (Maluku Utara)

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    Sarana transportasi laut di Maluku sangat terbatas sekali, apalagi jika menyangkut penggunaan alat berat yang ada di tiap pelabuhan di Maluku, sangat terbatas dan peminjaman alat tersebut memerlukan dana yang besar. Maluku dengan kebutuhan akan pasokan listrik yang kian lama semakin besar bisa dipastikan akan banyak memerlukan kapal pengankut batubara dan juga sarana loading unloading dari batubara tersebut sangat dibutuhkan untuk mempermudah pengangkutan batubara tersebut. Pada tugas akhir ini direncanakan sebuah kapal khusus pengangkut batubara untuk kawasan Maluku dengan kapasitas muatan yang didapat dari perhitungan kebutuhan batubara dikawasan tersebut, kemudian mencari deadweight dan ukuran utama dari kapal. Dengan ukuran utama yang didapat kemudian dilakukan perhitungan teknis seperti hambatan dan propulsi kapal, berat dan titik berat, freeboard, serta stabilitas, kemudian mendesain rencana garis dan rencana umum. Perancangan kapal khusus pengangkut batubara ini diharapkan dapat menjadi solusi mengefisienkan penggunaan alat berat untuk loading maupun unloading batubara. Dari proses desain ini didapat ukuran Self-Propelled Barge adalah Lpp = 93,731 m, B = 18,361 m, H = 8,008 m, T = 5,269 m =========================================================================================== Marine transportation in Maluku is limited, especially if it involves use of heavy equipment in every port in Maluku, it is rare and need much cost to borrow the heavy equipment for unloading the material from the vessel. Due to the need for power supplies that are becoming increasingly in Maluku, this could certainly need coal ship loading and unloading for facilitate the coal transportation. In this final assignment is need to planned a special ship carrying coal to Maluku region, capacity of coal obtained from the calculation of the region's power supply needs, then look for deadweight and main size of the vessel. With the obtained main dimension then made technical calculations such as ship propulsion, weight and center of gravity, freeboard, and stability, and then design the lines plan and the general arrangement. Designing this special ships is expected to be a solution for the use of heavy equipment for loading and unloading process. From the design process conduct the size of Self-Propelled coal Barge is Lpp = 93.731 m, B = 18.361 m, H = 8.008 m, T = 5.269

    Optimization of Drillstring Design to Produce More Stable Dynamic Drilling on Horizontal Drilling by Applying Different Stiffness Combinations

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    Horizontal drilling technique is one of the methodologies that have been widely implemented recently to improve the production of oil and gas wells. Several directional drilling technologies can be utilized to drill the horizontal wells, vary from the simple mud motor technology to Bottom Hole Assembly (BHA) with the advanced motorized rotary steerable system. The most common challenges that are faced on horizontal drilling process are on the torque and the stick-slip throughout drilling process, which can be a technical limiter for the length of horizontal section that would be achieved. Stick-slip is the vibration that occurs due to cyclical rotation acceleration and deceleration of the bit, BHA or drill string. This speed fluctuation can be zero to rate of penetration (ROP) or far in excess of twice the rotational speed measured at the surface. Stick-slip can significantly decrease the ROP, increases tool failures and damage, affects borehole quality, and impacts the data acquisition. Several studies had been done on the stick-slip prevention and mitigation throughout creation of new technology and drilling parameters envelope throughout drilling operation, however no study has ever been done on the modification of the design and arrangement of the BHA itself to produce more stable BHA. Drill pipe is the longest component of the drill string and hence it has biggest contribution towards the drill string dynamic. This study will focus on the analysis of the combination of several designs of the drill-pipe and heavy weight drill-pipe (HWDP) that has different stiffness and characteristic to produce less vibration, more efficient drilling operation and to create zero impact on the data acquisition measured while drilling. FEA drilling dynamic simulator was used to optimize the drill sting configuration. The calculation is made from the depth of 750 m to 2801 m. Based on the drilling simulation results of FEA modeling, it is concluded that the minimum stiffness ratio to give stability of the drill string of Well-Z7 BHA and Well-Z6 BHA is 0.012175272 and 0.07366999, respectively